love youuuuu.
b, thank you so much! even i know u never read this but really appreciate the whole of this day syg. started from pavi, walked along bintang walk, lot 10, sg wang. adoih. pnt kaki ni.haha! but, have fun sgt2! when we talked, laughed, and you sing a song,haha, so sweet.hahaha. and bab merepek2 wat lawak tu sume mmg kepakaran b kan?haha. entah bila la nak jmp lg. kate je cuti tp jmp bkn main payah lg.haha..but its ok.. and and the gift! woah! i really like it,plus i love it! thank youuuu soooo much syg! anyway, love you b!
awwww!! so sweettt!! ngeee ;)